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Quality and Environmental Policy
Quality and respect for the Environment in the processes developed for the manufacture and commercialization of wooden sleepers, and in the aspects and impacts generated by the company, form an important part in the decisions of the Management of MADERGAL, SL Therefore, There is a Quality, Environment and Chain of Custody Policy based on the following guidelines:
- Promote the continuous improvement of activities and services in the field of their relationship with Quality, the Environment and the Chain of Custody, evaluating in advance the repercussions of any new development on these variables.
- Demonstrate to our current and potential customers our ability to offer products that are always consistent with the required quality and the result of an adequate environmental management, which aims to prevent pollution associated with our environmental aspects and impacts, namely pollution acoustic, the generation of atmospheric emissions, of discharges into water and waste, through the consumption of energy resources, raw materials and water, and ending with the effects on the physical environment and on the floors. Thus, they will be evaluated in order to prevent, eliminate and reduce them to a minimum, making proper use of natural resources. Sustainable management in the exploitation of forests, will be another priority in relation to the care of the environment, taking all measures that are necessary to avoid working with wood from illegal logging and conflicting sources of exploitation.
- Comply at all times with the requirements of legislation and current regulations that apply to our organization, with special interest in compliance with environmental legislation and regulations at the international, state, regional and local levels, as well as all environmental requirements subscribed by our organization.
- Encourage communication and cooperation with employees and suppliers to achieve all the objectives set and customers receive the best service and attention from us. Special attention will be paid to the concerns of employees, suppliers, customers or other interested parties regarding the environment and chain of custody.
- Adopt all measures that fall within the company's possibilities for the prevention of accidents that may have repercussions for human health and the environment.
- Document, review, update and communicate our commitment to the environment.
- The Policy provides the frame of reference to establish and review the objectives and goals of quality and environment, which will be reviewed at regular intervals.
This policy has been drafted taking into account each and every one of the interested parties that may affect the proper functioning of the company, from our employees, customers, suppliers or suppliers to the environment in which MADERGAL, S.L. operates, also assessing the level of significance or condition in each case and the commitment to a constant improvement in these aspects.
Guitiriz, March 2018
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